Sunday, May 19, 2013

Flower Day at the Eastern Market

Ever since I started this blog, several people have told me that I need to check out the Eastern Market on Flower Day.  So I made sure that I had my calendar circled for this day but sadly, I didn't wake up as soon as I had hoped.  I was planning to walk down the Dequindre Cut again but it was pretty hot today, so I looked for a parking spot closer to the Eastern Market.
 So I ended up parking at the spot at the Gratiot end of the Dequindre Cut.  I wasn't 100% sure about that but there were a few other cars there, so it seemed okay.  But that made it so that I wasn't going to stay long at the Eastern Market.
 If there is a picture to sum up Flower Day at the Eastern Market, this one is it.  I was amazed at the number of cars around the market.  And people dragging wagons of flowers.  But still, I soldiered on.
 A shot of the skyline from the Market.  I think a better view would have been on the other side of this bridge.
 Some of the shops around the market.  These have been here for quite a while.
 A closer shot of those buildings.
 And finally some flowers.
 There were all sorts of flowers here and I'm not about to try to identify any of them.  I will just leave you with the pictures.
 There were a couple of musicians performing.
 And people....
 ...lots of them.
 But the flowers were cool.
 Especially the ones in the shade.
 This just gives you an idea of the number of flowers.
 This group was performing a blues tune and they were pretty good.
 More flowers....
 I think I would have liked this shot more if all of it were in the shade.
 Looking up at one of the shacks.
 Another flower.
 Another group of flowers.
 I kind of like this purple one.
 I really like this one.
 And this one.
 Another group of flowers.  I would imagine this would be the place to go if you were stocking up a flower garden.
 All sorts of flowers.
 I love these blue flowers.
 And these.
 Did I mention there were a few people there?
 A mural that you would only find in Detroit.  Some sort of mutant vegetable bull.
 There were other kinds of stalls there too.
 Some sort of bird statue.
 Another shot of the skyline to put the market in perspective.
 A group of restaurants near the market.
 And then I headed back to my car.
 I kind of like these buildings.
 A hardware store.
 I'm lumping this in with my Eastern Market shots because I don't feel like starting up another post.  This is St. Joseph's Church.  I posted pictures of it before.
 But I couldn't quite get this shot because I didn't have the right lens for it.  Sadly, I was shooting right into the sun.
 And then I noticed that the door was open, so I wandered inside but not too far.  The church is just as beautiful inside as outside.
 One of the windows.
And one more shot of the church before heading to my car.

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