Monday, May 20, 2013

Messing with Zappa the Cat

I was kind of inspired by a post on Facebook tonight.  Someone posted a picture of their dog and it reminded me of a depressing French movie or something like that.  So I figured I would try something with Zappa.
 I think I'd like this one a little more if my iPod cable weren't in the picture.  I think it's oka
 I really like this one, especially since I made it grainy and stuff.  He looks like he's staring off into space but he really needs a cigarette and should be speaking deep French voice.  "I am contemplating my life right now and it's meaninglessness" or something like that.  "It has been 14 years since I've known love and happiness..."  but in French.
I'd like this picture more if he weren't in front of the air conditioner and my cables.  Oh well, this was the only place I could get him to pose.

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