Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Foggy Morning at the Mackinac Bridge

One of the reasons I picked the hotel in Mackinaw City that I did was because I would be right across the street from the park I usually stop at.  I figured that if I couldn't get a hotel in Sault Ste Marie, this would be the next thing.  So I woke up on the morning of Engineer's Day and started to head out but I had to take a slight delay because it was pretty foggy out.
 I think the Bridge looks pretty cool in the fog, especially if the fog is obscuring parts of it.  One of these days, I'd like to get a picture where the fog is closer to the surface of the water but I guess this will have to do.
 It's still amazing that something this long was built over 50 years ago and is still standing.  Of course, it always seems like they are working on it, so that might have something to do with it.
 With my new lens, I can get the even more exagerrated shots.
 The fog was lifting a little bit, I think.
 As I was getting ready to go, I saw this gal heading towards the Bridge.  She is the Algoma Navigator.  I'm positive that she's been on this blog before.
 Back to my brief wandering in the park.  I do like getting different angles of the Bridge.
 Because it is a beautiful Bridge.
 The water was almost calm enough to get the good reflection shots.
 A Bridge to nowhere?
 And then I started to head back to the car.
 Just in time to get pictures of the Navigator as she passed under the Bridge.
 I love it when I can get a picture of the Bridge with a ship under it.
 One more shot of the Algoma Navigator before moving on.
 I saw that there was another ship lurking about, so I crossed the Bridge and stopped at the Straits State Park.  I think I like the pictures from this vantage point too.  One of these days I may have to head down to the beach to get pictures from there.
I was already running behind schedule, so the other ship would have to wait until another day.

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