Monday, July 1, 2013

Eaten Alive at Whitefish Point

So I made it to Whitefish Point with a little light to spare.  The lighting was just about right from the right angles except for a minor detail.  Because it's been so wet this summer, there were a ton of mosquitos.  It serious felt like I was stepping into one of those tents they use on the Off commercials.  We were just about ready to call it off and then my friend remembered he had some Off in his car.  That helped a little bit.
 So with the off on, it was time to do some photographing.  I kind of wish I could get a picture like this from the other side, the light would have been just about right but this isn't too bad.
 Looking up at the tower.  If you notice the little black spot towards the bottom, that is one of the mosquitos.  The Off helped somewhat but not alot.
 So we headed towards the beach.  I liked the lighting from here.
 I definately liked looking out at Lake Superior.
 Looking up at the tower.
 And then Chris showed me a spot I didn't know about.  It gave a really nice angle on the light.
 Another shot from that spot.  I will have to wander back there again when it's not so mosquitoy.
 Coming back to the other side of the lighthouse.
 A straight out shot of the tower itself.
 And then we wandered to another part that I'd never been too.  It also was pretty cool but sadly, the Off was just about wearing off or the mosquitos didn't care.
 Whitefish Point itself.  I think they had it cordoned off because there was some birds hatching there.
 Looking back towards the beach I'm more familiar with.
A slightly blurry shot just before the sun went down.

When I looked at my car in the morning, I had a nice little insect collection on the front grille.  It was kind of cool.

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