Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dashing Through the Snow in Detroit

My route took me right through Detroit, so I got a few more pictures.
 I think there is another tower like this at the other end of Woodward.  It basically depicts the things that made Detroit great at one time.  Speaking of which, one of these days I'm going to have to seek out the Model T Factory in Highland Park.
 Looking down Woodward just before the Art Museum.  This is one of the advantages of having traffic lights.  I wasn't about to stand in the median to get this picture.
 A little further down Woodward getting closer to downtown.  I kind of like how the buildings in the background are obscured by the snow.
 A couple blocks away from the Fox Theater, Comerica Park, etc.  As you can see, the roads were pretty crappy.
 Getting closer to Campus Martius.  If you can see the lights on the buildings, evidently those were put up by Dan Gilbert.
 At Campus Martius.  Traffic was pretty much a snarl at this point.
 So I decided to park my car and wander around for a little bit.  I have been meaning to take pictures of this building for a while but it looks like I'm going to have to try again when the weather is nicer.  I would like to use my bigger lens to get closer pictures of some of the details.
 At anyrate, this beauty is the Book Tower on Washington Boulevard.  Construction was started in 1916 and was completed in 1926.  This building is an example of Neo-Classical and Neo-Renaissance architecture.  It stands 475 feet tall.  I believe it currently stands empty but there are plans to renovate it.
 Across the street from the Book Tower is St. Aloysius Church in Detroit.   It was established in 1873 and looks like a typical urban church.
 Looking up at the facade.
One of the doors of the Church. I've said it before, I'm not particularly religious, but I do like churches.

 Looking up at the David Stott building.
I'm not sure what street I'm looking down here but the orangish building to the left is the Guardian Tower.

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