Thursday, January 16, 2014

Shrine of the Little Flower in Winter

I was up at the Troy office today and it looked like it snowed all afternoon, so I decided to take Woodward to Michigan Avenue home rather than brave the expressways.  It took me much longer but I did make it home in one piece.  There was an advantage in taking that way home though, I got to take some pictures.
 My first stop was at the Shrine of the Little Flower.  I thought it might look pretty cool peeking through the snow.  I decided to take some pictures of the statue though.
 I thought this was as statue of Mary for the longest time.  Actually it is a statue of St. Therese of Liseux.  She was known as the Saint of the Little Flower.
 Looking up at one of the sides of the tower.
 I think my favorite part of this shrine is the crucifix on the front.  It is a very impressive looking statue when you think of it.
 Looking up at the statue from the corner.
 Looking up at Jesus.  I kind of like this view with my littler lens.  It really gives the impression of a tall statue.
 A closer look at Jesus.
One more shot before moving on.

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