Saturday, January 11, 2014

Michigan Exposures Celebrates Five Years

Wow.  I honestly do not quite know what to say.  Well there is the old classic of time flies when you are having fun.  Or I could say that it has been a fun ride or a myriad of other things.  I could even say that it would have been funner had I not shot Denard Robinson.  Well I suppose there are many things I could say.

I guess we have to start somewhere, so we will go back to where it all started.  However that is just a bunch of words where I go over my background and what got me to that point.  I suppose we could say it started here but was pictures that I had laying around.  This is where I first went out seeking pictures to take for the blog.   So I guess that is where it all started.

It is hard to believe that it has been five years already though.  In those five years, I've gone through Paradise and Hell.  I've taken the train out west three times and out east once.  I've lost count how many times I've been up to the Upper Peninsula.  I've even been on the field at the Big House.  Each outing brings different challenges and opportunities.

When I started this blog, I didn't think that it would last as long as it has.  I had a blog prior to this one but it got tiring talking about politics.  I thought generating original content would be funner and while it has been frustrating at times, I have had fun.  I also feel like I've learned a few things and that my photography has grown a bit.  I wish I had a roadmap for where the next five years will take me but noone really does.  All I can do is enjoy the ride.
 I was trying to think of something special that I could do for this particular post but I saw an opportunity to get a handful of ships in Port Huron, so that's how I spent the day.  But even the things that I consider as mundane are special to someone, so I figured that I could celebrate this milestone by going back to the beginning of sorts.  Besides, with the fog today, it looked pretty cool.
 So here we are at the Water Tower in Ypsilanti again.  In many ways, this seems like it was the start of another journey when I was a freshman at Eastern Michigan so many years ago.
 But I do like the Water Tower.
 While I was taking a picture of the Water Tower, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to take a picture of McKenny Union.
 I took this picture as I was heading back to the car and I noticed the reflection on the street... I had to shot one more picture of the Water Tower.

As much as this post is about me, I still appreciate the people that visit this blog every day.  I hope that you have had as much fun reading it as I have putting it together.  Again, I welcome suggestions and hope that you continue reading this blog.

This still begs the question of what does the next five years bring.  Well, I'm pretty sure there are more encounters with the rails.  Ships will probably figure in this as well but after that I do not know.  Again, all I can do is enjoy the ride.

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