Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Train Engines

So as I said in my train post from yesterday, I got myself an N-scale train set.  I've been eying a train set for a while and I finally decided to bite the bullet and get one.  I don't have much of a setup yet, just an outer loop for the Amtrak engine I showed yesterday and an inner loop with siding and switching yard for my freight trains.  I'm not quite sure where I want to go with it yet.  For now, I'm just content to watch the trains as the noise they make is quite relaxing.

Each of these engines represents a special place for me though.
 When I head up to Tahquamenon Falls in the Upper Peninsula, I will usually pass through Trout Lake.  Occasionally, I will see a CN engine there and it is usually a nice enough setting that I enjoy the pictures I take of them there.
 I'm still learning the different engines though....so I can't go into much detail.
 A couple years ago, I went to Fredricksburg, Maryland and we went by way of Cumberland, Maryland.  It was kind of a nice little town.  So this engine makes me think of that.
 I think this type of engine was originally bought by Conrail for use in delivering coal from the coal mines.  As CSX and Norfolk-Southern took over their routes, they bought a few of these engines.
 The BNSF trains make me think of all the wonderful trips I've taken out west on the train.  They are pretty much all over the place out there.  I was trying to decide between this engine and a Union Pacific engine and this one ended up winning out.
 The N in BNSF stands for the Great Northern Railroad which used to run the Empire Builder route that  I love.
 There are several points on that route where I pass through BNSF switching yards, so this could represent any one of those places.
 This is a shot I wouldn't try with a real train though.
 This one I'd try if I weren't standing on track to do so.
And I leave you with one more shot from the top.

I think I'm gonna try a different layout soon.  Would like to give my trains more to do.  One of the main reasons I picked N-scale over HO or larger is because I can make a pretty intricate layout in a smaller space.  And as you can see, the trains are detailed well enough.

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