Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Springtime in Michigan

Last week it hit the 70's and this week....
 We got dumped on last night.  I want to say we got two or three inches which means that we've topped the snowfall record in a season.  I believe we've gotten close to 100 inches of snow this year.
 But fortunately, it will be back in the 60's later this week, so the snow will be gone.  I guess it's more pretty to look at when you know it will be gone quickly.
 The cherry maples in front of our office didn't have much snow, but the ones in back did.
 Another branch.  I think I like this picture a little better.
 Some of the evergreens in the back.
 The not quite so evergreen.
I was hoping to get a shot of snowing, gray sky and blue sky because that would pretty much sum things up.

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