Sunday, July 13, 2014

Back on the Detroit Arrow

I didn't spend alot of time wandering around Fort Wayne.  Our layover was only 4 hours and I spent about an hour and half of that waiting for lunch.  Apparently the restaurant I ate at didn't realize there was a train from Detroit that came in so they weren't ready for the group of people that came in.  The food was really good though.  It was also pretty hot and muggy, so I didn't really like doing a ton of walking.  Still, I think I got a pretty good thumbnail of Fort Wayne and would like to return some day.
 So I was back on the platform and soon back on the train.  Since the train was air conditioned, it felt pretty nice.
 An old switcher engine.
 A Nortolk Southern engine.  I will have to say it was pretty neat passing through some of the yards we passed through.  I even saw a Union Pacific engine in one of them but it was too quick.
 One of many barns that I saw.
 Another Norfolk Southern Engine.
 And another barn.
 I have to mention the person in this White Ford Fusion.  I'm not sure where he started to follow the train, but he did.  I got to see him racing down the road in order to catch the train at various points.  So I think you are now legendary Mr. White Ford Fusion guy.
 The grain elevator in Milan.
 Another barn.
 Another shot of Metro Airport (hey what can I say, I like planes).
 A Boeing 747 waiting in front of the Delta Maintenance hanger.
 These cement things have a pretty interesting story behind them.  Apparently, Henry Ford got tired of dealing with the railroads, so he built his own.  He decided that it should be electric and these things used to carry the wires to support that railroad.  Now they just stand there, as Henry Ford ended up dealing with the railroads again.
 They let us get up close to the engine after the ride was over.  But it was mobbed, so getting decent pictures was difficult.
 A closeup of the wheels.
 The steam and smoke exhaust.
 A fairly clean shot of the engine.
 The cab.
 Looking down at the engine.
 A shot of that with the tender.
One more shot.

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