Sunday, July 13, 2014

Chasing the Nickel Plate 765

My other goal yesterday was to mark  waypoints on my GPS in an effort to attempt to chase the Nickel Plate today.  I was hoping to get pictures of her along the way to Fort Wayne.
 For my first stop, I saw a place that is just outside of the yard, so I figured that would be a good place to catch it as it was trying to build up a head of steam.
 And I wasn't disappointed.  I really liked the amount of smoke it was pouring out as it was attempting to get up to speed.
 And it got a little closer.
 I got an unexpected surprise as it started to blow out its tanks.  That guy in the bottom of the picture didn't get hit with a blast of steam though.
 It was getting up to speed at about this point.
 And it was just about passing.
 And a shot as it passed.
 Some of the cars.
  Then I headed over to Belleville in an attempt to catch it there.  I think that was my first mistake.  Too many roads leading out to the expressway.  But I did manage to catch the train here.
I kind of like the building in the background.  Gives a sense of place.
 By this time it was moving at full speed.
 I might crop this picture tighter and convert it to black and white.
And then it was starting to pass.
My next stop was Milan.
A shot of a trackside structure.
But sadly, no shot of the Nickel Plate 765.  I was told I missed it by about 10 minutes.  I did the math in my head and figured that I had little chance to catch it from this point as it was mostly county highways and country roads.  I wasn't about the go at the speeds I would need to catch it.

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