Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Messing With Macro

Before I left for work this morning, I wanted to try out the macro capability of the new lens on my new camera.  I figured what better subject than my trains.
 Since it was out on the line, I decided to start with my BNSF train in Santa Fe colors.  I really like this particular engine.  But this shot doesn't really do it for me.
 So I tried to get a little closer to the front.  I don't think there is all that much difference between this lens and my other lens, but I think I may need to play with it a little more.
 So I moved over to my newer CN engine since it was in a spot easily visible.  I see that I need to figure out the lines on the camera.  One thing I liked about this new camera is that they incorporated the lines into the camera, so I don't have to get a new focusing screen.
 The Wolverine was sitting on the mainline, and I really like the lighting on this picture.
 The Union Pacific engine was in a spot where I could take pictures.
So I closed in just a little bit.

Based on last night and this morning, I think I'm really going to like this particular camera.  I discovered that I can upload pictures to facebook through my phone.  That should be cool, I think.

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