Monday, September 22, 2014

Randomness at Work Today

So I had a little time to kill after lunch today and I saw a plane from the Ann Arbor airport doing touch and goes or something.  Since the plane was flying pretty close to our building, I decided to get my zoom lens and take some pictures.
 I've seen this Cessna a few times in the past.  The "UM" leads me to believe that the plane is owned by the University of Michigan Flyers Club.  And a quick search confirms that.  It also tells me that it is a Cessna 152 built in 1980.
 A milkweed plant.
 Sadly, I don't remember what this flower is.
 A brown eyed susan about to become gone like its mates.
 As I headed back into the office, I saw this guy doing bee things.  I was happy to get a picture of it.
 I'm not sure which one I like the best.
This one is probably my favorite of the three but I like all three of them.

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