Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Law School Corbels (Gargoyles)

The Law School has been under restoration for the past year or so.  I've been meaning to head over there since they've finished that because I like taking picture of these statues but I haven't had the chance until today.
 Actually, I am not sure these are called gargoyles.  I seem to remember that they have another name but they are a subset of gargoyles.  And it's amazing what you can find at the push of a button, these are actually called corbels.  At any rate, I think they are pretty cool.  They are representations of University Presidents up to that time.  Each of them are doing different things and represent different disciplines at the University.  This guy is the engineer.
 This guy looks like he might be an architect.
 He's holding a triangle of some sort.
This guy represents an artist.
 This guy represents a football player and if I remember correctly, he is facing towards the athletic end of campus.
This guy is a baseball player.
 My light was pretty good for something them, especially when the sun started to peek around the corner.  This guy is University President Henry Simmons Frieze.  He served as acting President of the University three times between 1871 and his death in 1889.
 This one is Henry Philip Tappan.  He was officially considered as the first President of the University of Michigan.  He was instrumental in transforming the University of Michigan into a research institute.  His career was cut short by his frequent clashes with the regents and he died in Europe in 1881 at the age of 75.
James Burrill Angell served as the University of Michigan President from 1871 to 1909.  He is the person that transformed the University into an elite institution.  He is cited as providing the vision that the university should provide "an uncommon education for the common man".  He is the man that Angell Hall is named after.
 President Marion Leroy Burton served as the President of the University of Michigan from 1920 to 1925.  He oversaw much of the expansion of the University in the 1920's.  The Burton Memorial Tower is named after him.
In 1863, Erastus Otis Haven became the second President of the University of Michigan.  He had a pretty varied career up to that point.  He was a Methodist Minister, State Senator in Massachusetts, Latin Professor at Michigan and few other things.  After his 6 year stint at Michigan, he would go on to Northwestern.  He died in 1881.
I believe this is an explorer or astronomer.
This guy represents economics.
 This guy looks like he represents the medical school.
Probably the defender of liberty or something like that.  He may represent the military sciences.

1 comment:

  1. They're grotesques. Gargoyles are special kind of grotesque that directs water away from the side of a building. Gargoyle comes from French gargouille meaning throat or gullet (because the gargoyle has a throat through which water runs).
