Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Brief Evening at Cobblestone Park

The tough part about trying to do at least a photograph a day is getting a different thing to take pictures of each day.  Fortunately, there is a wide range of subjects around here.
 I decided to make a brief stop at the Cobblestone Park tonight.  And the main for brief was because it was pretty cold tonight.  I think the thermometer said 10 degrees but it was windy which made for a even colder night.  The sun was shining so that made for some nice pictures.  This is an old log cabin. 
 The Cobblestone Park is the main attraction of this park though.  It's a pretty cool looking house
 Behind that is the barn.  I wasn't sure if the animals were going to be here or not though. 
 A closeup of the animals.
 And then I had company.  I think this goat always comes out to greet me when I take pictures.
 He didn't want pictures, he wanted scratchin'.
 Yet he hams it up for the camera.
One more shot of the barn before heading back to the warmth of my car.

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