Friday, February 13, 2015

Another Cold Day in Ypsilanti

It was a pretty cold morning again this morning.  The thermometer in the car read -2 degrees F when I started it up.  It was made colder by the fact the wind was blowing a bit.  Fortunately, it wasn't snowing this morning.  That actually came on the way home but it wasn't too bad.
At any rate, I figured a steamy Huron River would make for a good photo subject given the fact that the sun was out too.  It was a little more subdued that I hoped.
 But I was able to get the angles that I haven't been able to get lately.  The snow wasn't too bad at that point.  You can see the upper part of the river is nearly frozen over though.
 I kind of liked this picture when I took.  Now I'm not so sure.
 Then I decided to get a picture of the plant through the frost covered trees.  I kind of like this shot.
 Moved over slightly.
And one more shot.

It's supposed to be pretty crappy this weekend, so the only pictures I may get will be the basketball game tomorrow and possibly the Wolverine.

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