Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Snow Blown Depot Town

We got a little snow yesterday.  It was the powdery variety, so I decided to head out and catch the Wolverine.  I wanted to catch the 12:17 Westbound train and the Eastbound train that passes about an hour later.  I did manage to catch both, but I screwed up and formatted the pictures from the first train, so I only have pictures of the westbound train.   I could have saved the others but I only have one card for the new camera, I might have to pick up another for this reason.
 I also had some pictures of snow blowing through Depot Town and I didn't quite get the same effect this time, but pretty close.
 The Auto Museum.
 The section of the block with Sidetrack.  I had a pretty good lunch there.
 Looking down the tracks.  I didn't hear the bells of the crossing gates, so I felt pretty safe taking this picture.
 Another angle of the Sidetrack side of the block.
 Looking down from Aubree's.
A shot of the clock.

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