Monday, April 27, 2015

Ships that Pass

So I'm starting to catch up from the weekend tonight.  On Saturday I decided to do some boatwatching (I know...go figure).  I started on Belle Isle because I saw that the Philip R. Clarke would be working her way down.  
I think she's a beauty of a ship.  I only wish I would have seen her before she got the boom but I guess it's the boom that keeps her going, amongst other things.
 She works her way past Windmill Point.
 Then she makes her turn for the Detroit River.
 And gives my favorite view.
Another view.
 And then a visitor.  It is the giant Edgar Speer.  It's been a while since I've seen her.
 Normally, I'd say that the Clarke is dwarfed by the Speer but the Clarke is closer.  so they look comparable in size.
And then she continues on her way.  I think she was heading to Erie.

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