Friday, April 24, 2015

Walking Around Ann Arbor

So as I said in my first post, since it was a nice enough night, I decided to go wandering around Ann Arbor tonight.  It has been a while and I kind of needed to go for a walk.
 I kind of like this view of the Michigan Theater.  As you can see, it was a pretty busy night.
 Looking down the graffiti alley.  As you can see, someone else had the same idea.
 I like this lion's head.
 Looking up at the Michigan sign.
 Looking at the State Theater.
 Someone stating their opinion of Woody Allen.
 The Michigan League lit by the waning sun.
Looking up at the Burton Memorial Tower.
 the Rackham Building.
 I kind of liked this view of the Bell Tower through the flowers.
 A daffodil.
 The door of the Michigan League.
 One of the statues on the Michigan League.
 Another angle of the Bell Tower.
 Another daffodil.  I think this is a sure sign of spring.
 Looking down towards the Grad Library.
 Looking at the Grad Library.
 the Block M.  Remember, don't step on this.
 Looking the other way down the Diag.
 I think this is a magnolia but don't quote me on that.
 These are some sort of cherry blossoms.  This makes me want to check out Belle Isle to see if the cherry blossoms are blooming there.
 Another group of blossoms.
 The Engineering Building.
 Then I decided to head over towards the law school.
Then I looked at the corbels.
 A tennis player.
 A football player.
 The Law Library but I didn't go in.
 Another shot of the law school.
 Another magnolia.
 Looking up at the Michigan Union.
 Looking across at the Art Museum.
 It's been a while since I've taken a picture of the Endover Cube.
 Another view of Ann Arbor.
And I end with the ritual sacrifice house.  Well, I don't think they do that there but it certainly looks like it could be.

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