Monday, December 21, 2015

A Review of Sorts

As of this post, I have seen Star Wars:  A Force Awakens twice.  For my review I decided to do a little photography where I was messing with light a little bit.  Given that it gets dark early, this makes a good time to do some experimenting.
 I have a game called X-Wing that uses little miniatures.  I haven't had much of a chance to play it but the little models look nice.  I decided to pull out my X-Wing and a flashlight.  I was trying to angle the light so that it would look like it was flying through space.  This is one of those instances where manual mode comes in handy.  I could get the correct light reading on the X-Wing so that it stands out from the background (although it might be a little underexposed).  Anyway, enjoy the pictures.
 When I went to see the movie on Thursday, I was a little nervous about it.  There was a new director but the guy that wrote Empire and Jedi, so maybe those things would balance out.  While I enjoyed the prequels, I can't really say they were great movies.
I think they would have been better served if the critical stuff from Phantom Menace would have been put in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith were split into two movies.  It seemed like around halfway through Sith, Lucas realized that he needed to finish it and rushed the ending.  This was sad because that was the part of the prequels we really wanted to see.  I mean one minute Anakin was sort of a good guy and the next minute he's mowing down kids.  Anyway...
That made me a little nervous but I'll have to say that I was pretty impressed with what Abrams did with the movie.  It felt more like the original movies than the prequels.  I would rank it up there with Empire and Jedi.
It was better on the second viewing.  Since I had my preconceptions out of the way, I could actually enjoy the movie.  I felt that it set up the rest of the series pretty well.  There are some things that I'm not happy about but then again, that is usually the case with many movies I watch.

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