Thursday, December 24, 2015

Waking Up to the Gott

When I checked AIS on Tuesday night, I saw that there would be a few ships that would be passing Port Huron in the morning.  That was just fine with me as I had a basketball game to go in the afternoon.  So I grabbed my camera and headed up to Port Huron.
 I was not expecting to catch the first ship which was the Edwin H. Gott.  She is heading up to Two Harbors, Minnesota and I presume she will pick up a load of iron ore for somewhere.  I don't think Two Harbors is a layup point.  At any rate, the shipping season is starting to wind down at this point.  This shot is from Marysville as that was the earliest I could catch her and still have some light.
 Then I headed up to my normal spot in Port Huron.  The light was getting a little brighter but not by much.
 This is the spot where I can get a shot at a headshot.  I'll have to say that the thousand footers look pretty impressive when they are coming at you.
 She's framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 She looks even more impressive as she gets closer.
 A shot of her bow.
 And her pilothouse.
And she heads off to Lake Huron.

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