Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Brief Appearance by the Kaye E. Barker

As I was watching the ships yesterday, I saw that the Kaye E. Barker was heading upbound.
 She was delivering taconite to the AK Steel plant in Dearborn.  Having completed that, she started to make her return journey to market.
 I don't know how many times she will make this trip but given it's roughly 4 days round trip, I would guess about 50 or so.  Although, I'm pretty sure they break up the monotony and have her deliver elsewhere.
 I thought I would be able to catch her in Marysville and that wasn't the case.  I saw another vessel passing there and took pictures because I thought I'd have a chance to catch both.
Oh well, a brief glimpse is better than no glimpse.

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