Sunday, May 8, 2016

Even Lovelier in the Right Light

This post is slightly out of order as I saw her after I saw the Blough for the first time.  However, I wanted to show her posts first.
 The Kaye E. Barker is heading down from Marquette to the Rouge River.  She will be delivering taconite pellets to the AK Steel Mill.  I kind of wish, it weren't so late when I caught her last night because it would have been neat to catch her in the Rouge.
 At any rate, this is a voyage she will make several times in a season.  In fact, she's already made this voyage several times.
 But I'm not going to complain, because she's a lovely vessel that looks even lovelier in the right light.
 I kind of liked this picture.
 She's framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 A beam shot.
And she continues her way down the River.  In approximately 7 hours from this picture, she will be at the steel mill unloading.  If I remember, she will unload in approximately 5 hours.  After that, she will be heading back north.  I think today she is headed to Calcite, where she will pick up stone.

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