Sunday, May 8, 2016

Roger Blough Returns

Another ship that attracted me to the river yesterday was the Roger Blough.  Even though I saw her on Thursday Night, I couldn't pass up another opportunity to catch her.
 She makes her way around the bend just south of St. Clair.  For some reason, she reminds me of a snapping turtle and in a shot like this, I somehow imagine the other animals scattering.
 She is on the return leg of a trip down to Conneaut, Ohio.  She delivered a load of taconite there which will in turn get delivered to the steel mills in Pittsburgh.  I'm not quite sure how that works, but I suspect it is by train.  The trip would be a little over 130 miles.
 St. Clair is one of the places where I can get a decent headshot.
 She makes the turn to head up the river.
 I love her profile.
 The clouds looked pretty neat too.
 The almost beam shot.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 One more shot of her before heading to Port Huron in order to catch the Barker.
 The clouds broke as I got to Port Huron and the sun was starting to come down.  This gave me what is known as the "golden light".  This is probably the best lighting for ship photos.
 I think it brings them out.
 A better head shot.
 She makes her final turn to catch the channel to leave the River.
 She passes under the Blue Water Bridge.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 Another almost beam shot.
 A shot of her deckhouse.  She has a fairly unique self unloader.
 A closeup of that.
And one more shot as she makes her way into Lake Huron.

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