Monday, June 13, 2016

Catching the Mississagi

I had a bit of a wait for the next ship, so I decided to take care of some shopping at Meijer and then a brief nap.  However, she was worth the wait.
 The Mississagi was heading to Detroit from Chicago.  I'm not sure if there was an intermediate stop between them.  She certainly looked loaded though.
 She starts to make her way towards the channel.
 I was trying to mess around with HDR while taking pictures of this ship.  Sadly, I missed some of my favorite angles.  Unfortunately, HDR doesn't work too well with moving ships because it is taking a series of pictures.  The final result looked like one of those 3D pictures without the benefit of glasses.  I may have to experiment some more but for now, this will have to do.
 She continues her way down the River.
A pretty stern shot if you ask me.

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