Monday, June 13, 2016

Return of the Algoma Guardian

The Algoma Guardian was following the Speer fairly closely, so I waited to catch her.
 It has been a while since I've seen the Algoma Guardian.  Close to a year in fact.  I caught her on my birthday last year.
 I've actually wanted to catch her because I think I might have heard she's going to be scrapped within the next couple of years.  It's kind of a shame because she's not a bad looking boat.  Judging by the amount of rust on her, there might be some truth to those rumors.
 She is on her way up to Thunder Bay.  I presume in order to pick up grain but I'm not sure.
 She passes under the Blue Water Bridge.  I tried to experiment with the HDR mode on my camera but I discovered it doesn't work well for moving ships.
 A shot of her bow.
 And her plimsoll line.

 Lake Huron was still kind of angry.
So I got some shots of the waves.

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