Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Buffalo in the Locks

One of the attractions of Engineer's Day is that you get to see ships in the Locks from angles that you wouldn't normally see them at.  It was nice because it seems like they opened Engineer's Day a few minutes early because there was a ship in the Locks.
 I managed to catch the Buffalo in the MacArthur Lock.  The water was smooth enough that I got a nice reflection.
 Looking straight at her.  I would have to work for the Corps of Engineers to get this view.
 From the other side of the Lock.
 Looking down at her anchors.
 Her crew paying attention to the sides as she leaves the lock.
 I thought this made for a neat shot.
 One of her hatches.  Below this hatch is a load of taconite.
 Looking up at her pilothouse.
 After watching the Harvester for a few minutes and the gates were closed on the MacArthur Lock, I headed down to Mission Point to watch the Buffalo pass.  I actually like the shots I get at Mission Point better than I do of the Locks.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And she makes her way down the river.
 And then I decided to head to Four Mile Beach.
I believe she was on her way to Cleveland.

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