Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Waking Up to the Algoma Harvester

So Friday was Engineer's Day.  As I was watching AIS on the night before, it looked like there was going to be a spurt of ships in the morning and one later in the afternoon maybe.  Most of the ships I thought that I was going to see in the morning had passed the Locks early in the morning but there were a couple left.
 First up in the bunch was the Algoma Harvester.  I thought that I might have a chance to catch her at Mission Point, but I was too late for that.  I did however catch her from the power plane.
 She heads towards the lock.
 She patiently waits at the wall before entering the Poe Lock.
 And she enters the Poe Lock.
 A shot of her Plimsoll Lines.
 Since Engineer's Day had already started, I got a chance to look up at her pilothouse.
 She is a Canadian vessel after all.
 Looking up at her stack.
And her lifeboat.

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