Monday, December 26, 2016

A Train Passes Auburn

So I went up to my cousin's today for a post Christmas family get together.  He lives up in Auburn, Michigan.  As I was heading to his house, I heard the distinctive sound of a train horn and I remembered that there was a track that runs parallel to Midland Road.  My mom told me about a spot where I could get a grain elevator in the background possibly.  So I waited there.
 It wasn't long before the train started to appear.  It turned out that it wasn't too bad of a spot.
 The train belonged to the Marquette Rail company which is a short line that was formed in 2005.  I think it goes through much of mid-Michigan.
 At any rate, it was pretty cool to see a train here.
 And it had a pretty cool color scheme.
 Some of the cars had graffiti on them.
This one was pretty cool too.

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