Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day Wolverine

I looked at the river traffic today and saw that there was quite a bit but I had to be back by 4:00 (or so I thought).  Since I wasn't going to do that, I decided that I might as well catch the Wolverine so that I can get some pictures of something.
 It looks like they are still doing some track work around the area because this machine is still parked there.  Although I'm not quite sure what kind of machine this is.
 At anyrate, it looks pretty cool.

 Another piece of track maintenance equipment.
 It wasn't much longer before the Wolverine appeared.
 I think I even got a holiday salute as he made a couple of soft blasts of his horn.
 One more shot.
 I decided to catch the east bound Wolverine a little later.  I wanted to try another spot where there was a bridge over the tracks.  It made for some nice pictures, but I needed to leave the camera in manual mode as the lights kind of messed up my meter.
At least this shot wasn't too bad.

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