Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Eve at the Airport

  After going boatwatching, I didn't want to wait around longer to catch a couple other boats that were coming down.  I still had some other things I needed to do but I figured I had a little time to catch a few planes at the airport.  It wasn't quite as busy yesterday but I still saw a few planes.
  This particular United Express Embrear 170 was being operated by SkyWest and was coming from O'Hare Airport in Chicago.
An American Airlines Airbus A320 arrives at Detroit from Charlotte International Airport.  If you look on FlightAware, you can see some interesting stuff about this plane.  The average fare was $168.00.  The flight was 707 miles.
 Anyway, it makes for a nice picture.
 This Spirit Airlines plane was arriving from New Orleans as I took this picture.  In the time between then and now, it's been to LaGuardia, Chicago and Baltimore.
 An Embrear 170 owned by Republic Airlines lands after flying from Newark.
 For some reason, this picture reminds me of an old commercial where the pilot of a plane had a Big Mac Attack.
 And this particular plane was coming from Minneapolis.
 Another Spirit Airlines flight.  This particular flight was coming from Tampa, Florida.
 I was about to leave until I looked at FlightAware and saw that a pair of 757s was coming in.
 I think this one was coming from Atlanta, but I'm not sure.  I can't see the flight on FlightAware.
 Anyway, I love the 757.  The signature on the nose is the Reverend Doctor Joseph E. Lowery.  He was one of the people involved in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.  He became leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference after Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. 
 A Boeing 717 coming in from somewhere.
 An Airbus A320 arriving from Phoenix.
 And this 757-300 was arriving from Orlando.
 I do like the look of these.
Well, wherever you are coming from, have a Happy Holiday.

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