Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Brief Stop in Lansing

Last week I headed up to Engineer's Day in Sault Ste Marie, MI.  This is where they open up the center part of the locks so that people can look at them.  It is also the weekend when many of the boatnerds meet up, so it makes for a pretty fun weekend.  Per the tradition of heading up there, I picked up my dad on the way up.  He lives near Lansing, so I try to take the opportunity to get pictures of the capitol building and what not.
 Probably my favorite statue here is the one dedicated to the First Michigan Sharpshooters.  I like the way it looks like a sniper in his den somewhere.
 Almost next to it is a statue dedicated to the men who fought in the Spanish-American War.
 I really love the look of most Capital Buildings.  I just wish the occupants of them would live up to the buildings they are in.
 A statue of Austin Blair.  He was Michigan's Governor during the Civil War.  He was a Republican but he was quite progressive for his time.
 A closeup of that statue.
 I'm not sure why they have cannons around the property but they do.
One more shot of the capital building before moving on.

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