Thursday, July 6, 2017

A Whistle Stop in Clare, Michigan

As I said in the last post, my dad lives near Lansing which means we end up taking US-127 to get back to I-75.  We ended up using a rental car again this year because it keeps miles off either of our cars.  We had to pick up the car in Mt. Pleasant and as I was there I heard a train horn.  I tried to see if I could catch up to but that wasn't happening.
 As we got to Clare and parked the car to grab lunch, I heard the distinctive sound of a train horn again.  So I ended up walking a few blocks to get over to the train tracks and it wasn't long before I saw the train coming up.  It belonged to the Great Lakes Central.
 The Great Lakes Central has been on this blog before as it is usually pulling or trailing the Pere Marquette 1225.  It detached the rest of its load to bring some stuff in to the yard (I think).
 And it started to cross the road.
 And then another pair of engines appeared from the other side of the road.
 And these guys proceeded into the yard to pull out a couple of cars.
 And then they went to drop this load off.
 Based on the fact that this was built in the 30's and the architectural style, I'm going to guess that this was a WPA built building. 
 And there was some neat artwork on the building.
We ended up eating at the Whitehouse Restaurant for lunch.  This is one of those places that you could end up missing especially with the more famous Cops and Doughnuts down the street.  If you are looking for good burgers, come here.  I also tried a beef dumpling soup and that was pretty good too.  The prices are fairly reasonable too.  So this place comes highly recommended.

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