Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Potential B-17 Sighting

On Friday, I found out that the Yankee Lady would be heading to Flying Cloud, MN for an air show there.  So I looked up her flight information to find out when she was going to leave Willow Run.  I also found a website called LiveATC.com
I went outside the office after I found out that it took off.  I figured that I might have a good chance of catching it fly over.  It turns out there were a few planes doing touch and goes at the Ann Arbor Airport.  First up was this Cessna 172 Skyhawk.  It belongs to the Jackson Community College.
 I'm not sure who this plane belong to, but I like the color.
And of course, one of the many planes belonging to the Michigan Flyers.

As it turns out, the Yankee Lady took a more northerly route.  It looks like it was more direct to her destination, so I didn't catch her.

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