Monday, July 17, 2017

Return to Magee Marsh

This is from last Sunday, so slowly but surely I'm catching up to where I should be.  Unfortunately, I don't know what many of these birds are, so enjoy.
 I think this is a black and white flycatcher.
 This is definitely a robin.
 A black and yellow warbler.
 I'm not sure what kind of bird this is.
 I loved the opportunity as this dragonfly landed just right for me.
 I think I like this shot a little better.
 Even though I see many of these, the red-winged blackbird is pretty cool.
 I think this is called a Velocity and is a kit built aircraft.  I'm not sure which company builds the parts though.
 An immature eagle.
 A heron in flight,.
 An immature eagle looking for a meal.
 A flock of geese take flight.
 A heron stands in front of some arrowroot.
 A brown eyed susan.
 I think this is butterfly weed.
 A wild sunflower.
 I'm going to go out on a limb and call this white indigo.
 Another wild sunflower.
 I'm not sure what this is.
 Or this is.
 Wild garlic.
 A waterlily.
 I loved the reflections in this picture.
 and of course, a bald eagle.
 A cygnet.
 and the proud parents.
 I really like the way this picture turned out.  The reflections were just about perfect.  For some reason, it reminds me of a lotus blossom.
And one more shot.

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