Friday, September 29, 2017

My Diecast Airliners

For as long as I can remember, I've liked to build models.  I still try to build them but not as often as I used to.  I was okay at building but I don't think I was going to ever win any contests because I don't have any patience to put some of the nitpicky details on them.  Several years ago, I discovered die cast models.  These aren't the die cast of my youth though because these are some pretty detailed models.
Most of the die cast models I've gotten over the years were military models.  Recently, I decided to get a couple of commercial planes.  These are the planes I mostly love.  While these aren't quite as detailed as the 1/72nd scale military planes I have, they aren't bad.
 First up is the Queen of the Skies, the 747.  Even at 1/200th scale, this plane is a beast.
 But a nice looking beast.
 The amazing part is when I discovered that I have pictures of the 1:1 version of the model.  The tail number is N668US and is one of the earlier 747-400s that Northwest bought.
 Next up is my favorite commercial plane, the 757.  This particular one is a 757-200 which is the smaller of the two versions.  Currently Delta has a couple of these flying humanitarian missions down to Puerto Rico.  They also used a couple to ferry supplies and people to Florida.
 I honestly don't know what it is that made me fall in love with this particular plane.  I mean it's a nice looking plane but still.
 A profile view.
 I wasn't sure if I would have a picture of the real plane but it turns out that I did.  This particular aircraft has a tail number of N6702.  And you see it landing at Metro Airport here.
 The next one is one of Delta's newest planes, the A350.
 I was kind of surprised they had this one out already but the real plane has been out for a while.  I'm sure it is pretty easy to switch the paint on them.
 This particular plane has a tail number of N501DN and was the first A350 delivered to Delta.  This is a picture I got of her on her 3rd or 4th day of training flights.
I don't have pictures of the real versions of all my planes thought.  I saw this one and had to have it.  At one time, Northwest was considering buying the 787.  In fact, I think they were going to be the North American launch customer for it.  But first Boeing was having issues getting it to production and then Northwest merged with Delta.  Delta still had the order on the books until this year.  Kind of a shame because I would love to see more 787s at Metro.  The only thing I don't like about this one is that it almost looks like it was based off a concept version.  It doesn't look exactly like the real plane but I still think it's cool.

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