Friday, September 29, 2017

The Ann Arbor Railroad at Work Tonight

Today at work, I heard the train horns all day long and that was an indication that the Ann Arbor Railroad was doing stuff.  Unfortunately, I can't just drop what I'm doing and go out to catch pictures.
 As I was getting ready to leave, I heard the train horn again and I was hoping that it wasn't a case the train getting ready to go back home.  So I headed down Textile to be greeted by the sight of an Ann Arbor Railroad engine headed my way.
 Only it didn't continue, it just sort of waited there.  I was fine with that because it meant that I could get more pictures than I would have otherwise gotten.
 If you look in the background, you can see some tank cars.  These were being stored in the area and I think they may be moving them out.  This engine was waiting for a group of them to get moved down.
 I kind of like the lurking in the cornfield look.
 I like this lurking in the cornfield look even more.
 I decided to head to another spot to see if I could see them moving the tank cars and sure enough, here it was.  I think they had to move a certain number forward so that they could move them down the main line.
 Which is just as well because it gave me more opportunities to get pictures.
 Her cab.
 And she moves by.
 The engine backing up to move the cars down the line, they were going to connect them to the first engine I showed.

 And she ducks back around the corner.
 BAcking the cars up.
 A better shot of the first engine.

 After that, I went down Morgan Road and saw the train again.  It was waiting again.
 But that gave some opportunities for pictures.
 My favorite shot from the night.
And one more shot before heading home.

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