Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Statues in Fostoria Cemetery

If I go to Deshler from Fostoria, I normally take Ohio 18.  This takes me past a cemetery.  I don't know how many times I have made this trip but everytime I was meaning to take some pictures of the statues they had there.  They were dedicated to the various wars that the United States has fought in.
 First up was a statue that was dedicated to the people of Fostoria that fought in World War I.  It depicts a US soldier fighting somewhere.
 The interesting thing about this plaque is that the statue was erected in 1927 so the statue says "The World War" because at the time it was the only World War.  Apparently this statue was originally erected in front of the High School and was moved to the cemetery in 1977.
 If I remember correctly, World War I was supposed to be the war that ends all wars.  Sadly, that wasn't the case.  I seriously wish we could figure out a better way to solve our problems.
 A memorial dedicated to Vietnam.  The picture is of the statue in front of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC.  There are names of people that died in Vietnam around the base of the statue.
 I'm not sure what this statute is dedicated to.
 A Civil War statue.  Interestingly enough, many of these statues look the same because they were made by the same company.
 A close up of the other statue.
 Another angle.

 Another angle of the World War I statue.
One of the Mausoleums in the cemetery.

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