Thursday, September 28, 2017


I has been a while since I've gone down to Fostoria.  It's been even longer since I've been down to Deshler, so I decided to head down to both before continuing on another part of my adventure.
 After Bettsville, I continued onto Fostoria.  It was a pretty hot and humid day, so I didn't feel like doing too much trainwatching there.  They had the track laid down for this caboose but they did not have it here.  It is a Baltimore and Ohio Caboose.
 It wasn't too long before the first train appeared.  It had two Norfolk-Southern and one BSNF engine leading.
 It was heading towards the west.
 And then it continued on.
 Happy that I caught a train,  I decided to head for my next destination but before doing so, I always check the signals to see if there may be another train approaching.  And there was.
 I decided to stop at the parking lot for the Fostoria depot to catch it.
 I wanted a shot of the depot with a train in it.  Not sure if I wanted random folks though.  Oh well.
 It wasn't too long before it passed.
 I decided to head over to Deshler next.  It has been well over a year since I was there last.  Well at least there where I could catch some trains.  This one sort of snuck up on me.
 It wasn't too long before another train appeared.  It was coming from the south.
 It gave me a chance to get some pictures of the signals with the train in it.  I think at some point these signals are going to be replaced by the more universal set.  It's kind of a shame but I guess I can understand why.
 This train was making a turn to start to head west bound.
 The quarter view.
 A nice side shot.
 And it continues on its way.
 As I was heading west to start the next part of my journey, I caught the train one more time.  It was kind of cool.
The other part of my journey took me up through central Michigan.  While doing that, I caught this train heading east through Perry, MI.
 Well it turns out that it had to stop there for a bit.
 Another angle of it.
 Before continuing on, I decided to get a side shot of it.
And one more shot before leaving Perry.

I'll have to admit, I kind of missed trainwatching in Deshler.  Fostoria is not bad but the fact that trains come from many different directions makes it a little more difficult.  I'll have to make sure I get back there more often though.

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