Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Moving on to Holland

So I continued up the Blue Star Highway through Saugatuck and on to Holland.  If I were doing something about the Blue Star Highway, I would have stopped to take pictures but today was a day for lighthousing.
 As I was getting out of the car, this sailboat was entering the river.
 I like the looks of sailboats under sail.
 And some shots of Big Red, the lighthouse in Holland.
 Sadly, I was starting to shoot into the sun for some of these shots.
 A sailboat heading out to Lake Michigan.
 I was kind of at an oblique angle to the sun for this.
 I kind of like this one.
 I was shooting directly into the sun for this one.
 And one more before leaving.
But not quite.  Your next salvation in 30 minutes or less?

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