Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sunset and the Grand Haven Light

The next series of pictures may be slightly out of order.  Normally, I try to post my pictures in order but sometimes I want to group stuff together.
 I finally made it to Grand Haven and at this point I was waiting for the Sykes to arrive.  Admittedly, I didn't want her to arrive at this point because I would be shooting directly into the sun.  After it dawned on me that I still had a couple of hours to wait, I decided to get some dinner.
 She arrived but she stopped just outside of the channel.  I decided to head back here to get some pictures.  While I ended up getting pictures of the Sykes (which I will post in one of the next posts), I also got some pictures of the lighthouse.
 Just the lighthouse itself.  The lighting was perfect for me.  The clouds were just right.
 It made for a fairly dramatic sunset.
 Sadly, I was almost shooting right into the sun for this picture, but it was obscured enough by the range light that it wasn't a problem.
 I love the reds, oranges and yellows in this shot.
 One more from a different angle with the sun behind the lighthouse.
One more shot.

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