Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Another Snowy Day...More Pictures of the Wolverine

Soon I will returning back to work, so I was hoping that I could get out and take more pictures.  Sadly, the weather hasn't been cooperating.  There is a nice steady stream of snow heading my way.  It didn't make for a good traveling day.
 However, snow does make for some nice pictures.  Especially when it is snowing just right.  I just wish there was more on the ground.  I like it when the passing train kicks up snow.
 It was a little on the windy side though, but not too bad.  At least the snow wasn't sticking due to the past few nice days that we have had.
 I'm not sure if I like this or the last picture more.
  The train getting closer.
 I kind of liked the rest of the shots I took.
 I kind of like it when I can get the freight house in the picture.
My last shot.

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