Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Some Ducks

I ended up taking back roads and ended up at Lake Erie Metropark.  I thought I heard they had an eagle's nest there.  I didn't see any eagles, but I did see some ducks.
 I wasn't sure what kind of duck this was, so I looked it up.  It turns out that it is a Pekin Duck.  It is mostly used domestically and was brought here in the nineteenth century from China.  I thought it looked kind of cool.
 This of course is a mallard.
 A group of ducks.  I think those are female mallards.  One of them was squawking about something.
 A pair of gulls.
 One gull.
 A single female mallard.
 The Pekin duck.
 The mallard.
 It almost seemed like he was posing for me.
One more shot before moving on.

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