Thursday, June 21, 2018

Catching Up With the Cedarglen

The next ship was kind of a surprise.  I wasn't really paying attention to the downbound ships because I thought I was going to head up to Port Huron and I would miss them.  So when I saw this one on Marine Traffic, I was kind of happy.
 Even though it's been a couple months since I've last seen her, I always like to catch the Cedarglen when I can.
 Especially since I've heard she's one of the ships that may end up on the chopping block soon.  Which would be a shame because she's such a unique looking ship.
 With the introduction of the Chinese built ships, these ships may end up being scrapped.
 Anyway, when I caught her tonight she was on her way to Quebec with a load of grain (I'm guessing).
 She continues on her way to Quebec.  I think that is another two day journey for her.
And she passes the next ship.

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