Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Return of an Old Friend

It has been close to four years since I last saw the next ship.
 I think she was in layup for a while and then I heard that she might be scrapped but it seems that she's come back from the dead.  Even after I found out that she was out again, it seems like she was never passing at a time when I could catch her.
 Which of course made me want to see her all the more because I think she is another ship living on borrowed time.  Again, that's a shame because she's such a nice looking ship.
 Here she is being followed by the Detroit Princess.
 The Detroit Princess backed away a little bit, so I could get some clean shots of her.
 Well except for the background of Windsor.
 She is heading up to Duluth.  From Detroit that is roughly two days sailing time.
 I'm not sure what she is picking up there.  I'm guessing coal.
 Anyway, it was nice to see her.
She continues up the river.

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