Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Pair of Odd Visitors At Work

On Tuesday, I heard a little commotion outside my cubicle.  I looked up and I saw a pair of sandhill cranes standing outside.
 I think there have been sandhill cranes here before but I wasn't in the office at the time.  It was pretty cool to see.
 We are in a fairly rural area and we've seen turkeys and some people have seen deer.  One day, an eagle flew by.  Sadly, I didn't have the right settings on my camera that day, so I had a bunch of overexposed pictures.  I tried to get pictures without the parking lot in the background.
As you can see, that wasn't entirely possible.  The only problem is that they put a film over out windows, so I was shooting at a pretty low shutter speed.
 But the pictures aren't too bad, I guess.
 Then I put my bigger lens on my camera to get some closeup shots.  I think I like these a little better because it blurs out the parking lot.
 I think these are pretty neat looking birds and I can't believe there was a proposal to hunt them.
 I'm not sure if they are endangered or not but I can't understand wanting to hunt them.
And one more shot.  Like I said, not too bad.

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