Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Return to the Detroit Zoo

So we had our company picnic at the Detroit Zoo on Saturday.  It has been a while since I've been to the zoo.  While much of it hasn't changed, some if it has.
 About two years ago, the Zoo built a new Penguinarium.  It was designed to be closer to the penguin habitat.  It also had better ambient light, so it was easier to take pictures of the penguins.  Unfortunately, it was pretty overcast so I had too low of a shutter speed since I didn't bump up the film speed. At any rate, it is a pretty nice exhibit.  It is splint into two levels and to get to the lower level, you go through a video of a ship going to Antartica.  I think it was supposed to recreate the Shackleton exhibit.  I'll have to go back.  It was raining on Saturday and many of the animals were smarter than the people there.
 I did however, manage to catch a cardinal.  It seems like a cardinal is my white whale in the birding world.  Today I found out that we may have a nest by work.  I'll have to check it out.
 The Rackham Fountain.
 I think this was a peacock.
 I want to say this is an emu but I also want to say I am wrong.
 It was still a pretty cool looking bird.
 A pulled out shot of it.
 One of the eagles.  I like the way this shot came out.  It almost looks like a portrait.  They now have three eagles.
 The bears provided the most entertainment as they were the most active.  Sadly, the polar bear exhibit was in the process of being cleaned, so I couldn't see anything there.  
 It was pretty cool to see the bears though as I don't usually see them.
 And they were posing pretty well for me.
 A closeup shot.  I love my new lens.
 One more shot before moving on.

 A rhino.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get the right angle on it.
 One of the many snow monkeys they have.
 The tiger was also pretty smart.
A pelican.

Like I said, I'm going to have to go back to the zoo.  I kind of forget how much I miss going to it.  Plus, with a membership, I can park at the gate that is closer to the main zoo.

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