Tuesday, July 24, 2018

And the Cason J. Callaway

With the Anderson in layup, I've been seeing a bunch of the Callaway lately.
 I'm actually fine with that, because she is a pretty nice looking ship.
 She starts to make the turn towards this part of the river.
 I ended up missing the headshot because I was watching the Jackman too.
 I just love the look of these ships.
 And they are pretty quiet too.
 A little bit of smoke as she adjusts her course.
 Set off against the sky from the setting sun.
 A little more smoke as she pours it on.
 She passes Windsor.
 And the Ambassador Bridge.  She didn't need anything from the Westcott at this time.
I think she was going to Zug Island to unload stone as she was coming down from Calcite.

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