Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Capt. Henry Jackman Makes an Appearance

One of the ships I was hoping to catch was the Capt. Henry Jackman.
 She is one of the many workhorses that belong to Algoma Central.  She has served in this capacity since 1981.  I think she is one of the last Canadian ships that is used by Algoma.
 It was announced earlier this year that this would be the Jackman's last season.
 That is odd when you think that 30 years isn't all that old for a Lake boat but as I said before, Canadian boats go through much more than American boats.
 I think the Jackman has spent the last few years carrying cement clinker.  While it's not particularly hard on a boat, it is pretty messy.
 She is framed by the Ambassador Bridge.
 She passes the Ambassador Bridge.
 She goes a little past where she is going to dock.
 She slows down.
 And then starts to turn around.  I'm not sure why ships point upbound when docking but it seems like they do.
 One more shot of her turning around.
 she is pointed upbound.
Some crew members leave the ship to handle the lines at the dock.

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