Monday, August 6, 2018

Calling for the Callaway

As I looked at Marine Traffic on Saturday.  It didn't look like a particularly busy day but it looked like an interesting day as I saw that two of the Great Lakes Fleet AAA vessels would be coming down the river at roughly the same time.
 I headed up to Port Huron and I thought I had an outside chance to catch the Lufthansa 747, but that quickly changed as I saw her flying over me.  Unfortunately, that caused enough of a delay that I missed catching the Callaway in Port Huron, so I headed down to St. Clair.
 While I prefer to catch ships in Port Huron.  St Clair isn't a bad place to catch them.  The background isn't too distracting and you get the three quarters shot.
 I had to pick my spots to get her picture because there were far too many pleasure craft on the water.
 While the Callaway is not a pleasure craft, she is certainly a pleasure to look at.  With her sister the Arthur Anderson out for a while, she has to pick up the slack.
 Getting my almost profile shot.
 I just wish the boat weren't in the way.
 I don't remember where she was heading from, but I think she was heading to Zug Island.
And one more view as she passes by.

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